Author Archives: Stone Giant
World of Food Kraft
This morning, I had to stop and think for minute while I wolfed down some instant macaroni and cheese—that’s right—Mac & Cheese for breakfast. But that’s not the point. What had it taken to get this meal to me? Pasta … Continue reading
Tired Incredible Plot Devices
Several movies and television shows that are considered to be great have implemented some tired old plot devices that break the movie’s threshold of credibility. Perhaps first, I should explain what I mean by threshold of credibility. Every show establishes … Continue reading
Requiem For Neil Armstrong
My hero is dead. Now that some time has passed and everyone has said his piece about the death of Mr. Neil Armstrong on August 25th, 2012, I have had time to process my thoughts on his passing. In spite … Continue reading
Culture Shock – Hospital iZation
Yesterday I spoke with a friend who had been to India for several weeks as part of a Rotary Club outreach. She indicated that she had met a gentleman who had lost his family in a plane crash and subsequently … Continue reading
Paid For Writing – Sorta
When writing e-mails at work, be aware that you are still writing. Recently, I put together an e-mail article to a friend of mine. (Yes, sometimes my e-mails are much more than simple messages and are, in fact, articles.) This … Continue reading
More Or Less Productive
Congratulations to me! I have a new iPhone 4 and have discovered the joy of being on the Internet any where I go. So, I thought I would try posting a blog entry from the phone. Three words: This is … Continue reading
Facebook Sadness
Photos show my old school friends laughing and playing with their children.The years have been kind, I think, and they have had children late in life.Then I realize the adults are children of my old school friends.I feel old.
The Children of Húrin
About a hundred years ago, I read a short little book about a short little person who had a very big adventure. The book was entitled The Hobbit, and it was written by someone with more than the usual number … Continue reading
Rumors of My Demise…
…never started. Life threw me a curveball a few weeks ago, and I disappeared from the web. Only a small circle of friends knew why I had disappeared. Maybe someday I will explain here but probably not. Those of you … Continue reading
RuneScape Escape
If you don’t know about MMORPGs, you’ve probably been busy with real life. In a nutshell, they are digital worlds in which thousands (millions for some) of people play simultaneously and there is generally no specific objective. If it sounds … Continue reading